Tuesday 13 May 2014

What if money were no object? - Corporate to Startup

If money were no object, would you be spending you time the way you are spending it now?
Through this project I’ve had the pleasure of speaking to 2 entrepreneurs and ask them one simple question. What does success mean to you? Interestingly, one individual has money and the other is well on her way to making money, and both of them did not refer to money at all. They both made references to lifestyle, intangible core goals and values, freedom of choice and things of that nature. When we spoke around that topic, we came to a simple conclusion: Money is just a problem right now that has to be solved.

I was so impressed and inspired. We are put in circumstances that make money seem like the end goal and when entrepreneurs are profiled they are advertised as these money hungry people… so far all I’ve seen are people with a hunger for success… not money. I’m sure if I asked every entrepreneur I’ll rub shoulders with over the next years: would you be an entrepreneur if money were off the table, they would all say yes. How about you? Would you still want to be an accountant if you weren't getting money? Would you still want to go into the field you're aspiring to, if money were no object? Better yet, what would you like to do if money were no object? Then why not just do that!

If money were no object, would you be spending you time the way you are spending it now?

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