Tuesday 19 August 2014

What Startups look for in employees - Corporate to Startup

A startup focuses on what you can do not what you have done: I can drive this metric for you which is why you should hire me...

I had the opportunity to speak with a founder of a startup that connects students and recent graduates with job opportunities at startup companies. I asked him about the kinds of applications he sees and he had a very interesting answer. He explained to me that students assume that the things fortune 500 looks for are exactly the same as what a startup looks for. In the world of startups progress and growth is the key focus. We need to grow into a sustainable business. We need to progress to our goals. So why should I care about how much your GPA is? Why should I care what clubs you were the president of? I’m not saying there’s something wrong these things, it’s that startups look at this completely different.

On top of that, you might want to take some time to see if startups are not for you…

The startup life isn’t for everyone… But if you want to gain experience that makes you a candidate… not just an applicant...

Then check out My Career City. The experts on staff help students and recent graduates find jobs in the fast-paced and rewarding world of start-up companies. Join today and see the great job opportunities they have available for someone just like you!

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Tuesday 5 August 2014

Formula for Success - Corporate to Startup

Talent: A natural way of thinking feeling or behaving
Investment: Time spent practising developing your skills building knowledge base
= Strengths: What we excel in.

Most self-development programs tries to make us what we are not and focuses on the weaknesses. “From cradle to cubicle, we devote more time to our short coming than our strengths”. This is the path of most resistance. The reality is that a person who has always struggled with numbers is unlikely to be a great accountant or statistician. The key to human development is building on who you are already. You cannot be anything you want to be – but you can be a lot more of who you already are. Having the opportunity to develop our strengths is more important to our success than our role, our title or our pay.

If you want to be challenged…

If you want to work where you and your unique strengths are celebrated!

Then consider working for a startup company!

Check out My Career City. The experts on staff help students and recent graduates find jobs in the fast-paced and rewarding world of start-up companies. Join today and see the great job opportunities they have available for someone just like you!

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