Wednesday 21 May 2014

Talent search vs. Passion search - Corporate to Startup

What do you want to do is more important than what you can do!
Far too many students believe that the key to success requires knowing more than the next person. We are reminded that it’s not always the strongest or the smartest but the person who wants it the most. Burning desire is often more valuable than a brilliant mind, solid networks or experience.  Those things may get you the job but they don’t suggest that you’ll be a success once you’ve been given the opportunity. This is exactly why I advise you begin with a passion search not a talent search.
Let’s say you don’t know a thing about an industry, or you have no technical skills in that field, but you have an indescribable passion for the work. I am certain you would be far more willing to run up the learning curve. More importantly, no matter how steep the curve is, you would be happier as you progress.  In any field of work you choose; Innovation is rewarded. Execution is worshipped! If you work with passion, you’re far more likely to feel compelled to make an idea a reality and follow through on the execution of your ideas.
I invite you to search within yourself first:
What work do you do best?
What kind of environments do you enjoy working in?
Are your goals in-line with your principles?
And do you even have core principles from which you go out into the world?
What are you passionate about? … Take time to answer that question with integrity.
Finally, are you making the necessary investment in yourself to be able to thrive in whatever environment you find yourself in and to make your passion a reality?
Invite you to read more about this here. Hopefully, at the end of this process, you may find that you were already on the path to a profession that you’re passionate about.  However, some may find that the corporate world isn’t where their passions lie. Maybe entrepreneurship is where your heart is. Whatever they case may be, I invite to consider the exciting world of startups. The jobs on offer in the startup community are so diverse it’s likely you’ll find a role you’re not only capable of filling but also passionate about. So check out My Career City. The experts on staff help students and recent graduates find jobs in the fast-paced and rewarding world of start-up companies. Join today and see the great job opportunities they have available for someone just like you!

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