Thursday 29 May 2014

Work for you, not the paycheck - Corporate to Startup

In this economic reality, the knowledge economy, the value of a work is on what they know and can do, rather than themselves. Way back in the day in the industrial revolution, what determined success was whether or not one could assemble the factors of production like labour, land & capital. After this period, one could become very wealthy by working hard in factories or in almost any field. Nowadays, we’re stuck in the same mindset that work or effort equals money. The truth is as I said, the new economy rewards what we know and what we can do!
The mass thinking is to find a way to argue for higher wages in jobs where they can exert the least possible effort. However, look around at all the greats of the new business age… Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, any Hedge Fund Manager, Mark Zuckerberg, etc. They don’t try to minimize their effort or maximize what wage they’ll be paid. All on the list were willing to work crazy hours, to sacrifice sleep, to bet the bank on their ideas and they don’t report to a boss begging for a wage. What strings all these wealthy people is not their desire for money, it’s their desire to make an impact.
Too many people focus on making money without trying to make an impact where they go. They don’t realise that by making an impact, the money will follow. Facebook has made Zuckerberg billions because it had a worldwide impact, likewise how Steve Jobs & Bill Gates changed the world with personal computers. Moral of this story is, when you get your job, look at it from this perspective:  "I’m hiring your company to teach me and in return I’ll pay you in my services".  The paycheck becomes secondary and your self-improvement becomes the primary focus. Don’t focus on trying to make your boss happy, rather ask: what need can I meet? What service can I provide? Work for you, not the paycheck.

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